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DIY Supplements

Elderberry Syrup

Next to Vitamin C with Zinc, elderberry syrup has been a lifesaver in keeping me healthy during the winter months. I work in an Urgent Care and I am frequently exposed to the flu and other viruses. When I start feeling run down, I’ll take a Vitamin C with Zinc twice a day with food and the elderberry syrup three times a day. What are Elderberries?  Elderberries are small, dark berries that grow in clusters on elder trees. Nutritionally they…

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Articles Supplements

Sleep Better

Sleeping well has always been a challenge for me. As an adult I’ve learned some tricks that REALLY help. There’s an excellent audible book called “Sleep Smarter” by Shawn Stevenson. I highly recommend listening to it. All the tips he offers make complete sense. You can do a free 30-day trial on Amazon and listen to it for free. 1. Ditch The Caffeine If you must have caffeine, only use it first thing in the morning. Studies show that caffeine…

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Articles Supplements

Epsom Salt Baths

Epsom salt baths are great. Whether you’re looking to treat an injured body part, arthritis, increase your magnesium intake, relieve stress, headaches, hemorrhoids, or detox the body, Epsom salt works wonders. Epsom salt is a mineral compound of magnesium and sulfate. It is not the same thing as table salt. Table salt consists of sodium chloride. Sore Muscles: If I pull a muscle at the gym, I use Turmeric along with my Epsom salt bath. Click here to read more…

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Smoothies Supplements

Spirulina Chlorella Smoothie

If you haven’t tried spirulina or chlorella yet, give it a try! Spirulina became famous after its successful use as a dietary supplement for astronauts on space missions. Spirulina is a blue-green algae that is loaded with protein, vitamins, and minerals. It can be used to treat conditions such as chronic fatigue, allergies, inflammatory disorders, viruses, high cholesterol, diabetes, cancer, and even arsenic poisoning.1 Chlorella is also a blue-green algae that is high in protein, vitamins, and minerals, but less research…

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B Complex Vitamin

I call this my happy pill. No for real, it really is my happy pill. I can tell when I’ve neglected taking my B-complex vitamin. My energy is much lower and I feel less happy about life. The other thing I notice, when I’m taking a B-complex vitamin & my Omega 3 supplement, is my face & lips are much smoother and hydrated. I used to live off of chap stick and heavy moisturizers, and would still have dry skin.…

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The Power of Vitamin C

Vitamin Safety: I’ve said this before, but I’ll say it again. To this day I’m still skeptical of taking supplements. Many people do not realize that the FDA does not regulate supplements or personal care products. The T.V show 60 minutes had an entire episode about how basically anyone can create a supplement out of acid, label, and sell it however they want. Sounds unbelievable, but it’s not. It’s solely up the company to give us high quality ingredients and…

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Articles Supplements

Turmeric + Black Pepper

Next to probiotics, Turmeric has played one of the biggest rules in healing my body. I was recently eating at a restaurant, when I overheard this lady go on and on about how Turmeric had changed her life. She went on for so long about it that it was borderline annoying to me. I now realize that hearing her talk about her Turmeric story was one of the best things I could have ever heard. Once I was back home,…

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Algae & Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids

Algae & Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids You’ve probably heard of using Fish oil pills, but have you heard of using the vegan version to this? Basically you skip the middleman “the fish” and go straight to the source…. the Algae. Fish obtain their Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) omega fatty acids from microalgae. But the problem with fish oil and krill oil are the possible contaminants. The ocean is filled with them! Who needs DHA and EPA?…

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Articles Supplements


You’re probably wondering what the deal is with probiotics and what they are. Should you even care? They’re probably just another fad with no real basis, right? When I started taking probiotics ten years ago, I was very resistant. My resistance came from all the bad side effects I’d had with taking other supplements. Finally, my stomach was in such disarray that I was willing to try anything. And I do mean anything. My sister recommended probiotics. I honestly don’t…

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